International Students

A Leading CEO Who is Honest, Caring and Practical About Race in the Workplace

I had the wonderful pleasure of being a panelist at the Blue Cross Blue Shield “Racial Diversity in Today’s Workplace” event last week. While many leaders talk about their commitment to diversity and inclusion, I felt a deep sense of personal commitment when their CEO, Andrew Dreyfus gave his opening remarks. I found myself swelling …

A Leading CEO Who is Honest, Caring and Practical About Race in the Workplace Read More »

Does Your Use of Time Serve YOU?

I run a business that I love. The only reason I do it is because I care deeply about its impact. My use of time has to matter. More than ever, time is perishably precious. Precisely because of its perishability I’ve had to mold and partner with time…Time has taught me that it is malleable and I can do with it as I choose. I have learned that with clarity of my values and purpose, time for work and life can be molded to fit in form and function. It may take some wrangling and iterations, but that’s also the process of life.

African-American Professor Portraits Defaced at Harvard – From Rage to Sadness to Compassionate Curiosity

In this moment, I have only one response. Compassion. Compassion for all involved and affected. We must open ourselves to a possibility beyond a clear right or wrong. We have to go beyond believing that a punitive measure will address the real issue. What we need is authentic understanding of each other.

6 Steps to Small Talk Success

So many people whom I meet in my workshops tell me how awkward it is for them to engage in small talk. So if you think “small talk” is odd and superficial, you’re not alone! However, one of the most important things to understand about small talk is that, culturally, it’s a sign of friendliness and professionalism for Americans. So small talk is incredibly important for becoming part of the American community and for professional success. A few tips to consider:

Vacationing In the Midst of the Greek Crisis – A Paradox of Experience

I realized our good fortune when I went to vacation in Greece a couple of weeks ago during their bailout discussion with the EU. I’ve heard about the Euro crisis on the news these last few years regarding Greece, Spain and Italy. But now, it’s more than the conceptual understanding from reading the Wall Street Journal. It’s a lived understanding as a human being.

Who Has the Time for *$&# Gratitude?

Like all habits, the habit of gratitude takes discipline, practice and patience. It has taken me years to develop into a person who can appreciate the small things in life that gives me joy. My husband will be the first to assure you that my five-alarm fires are still alive and well in my life. For sure they are still there. But with practice, I’ve counterbalanced that natural tendency to worry with a newly developed tendency to appreciate. And as a result, I truly believe I live a happier life, a more effective life and hopefully, a life that extends more positivity to the people with whom I interact in the world.

A Longing for Cultural Belonging

Some twenty years after his death, as I do work in intercultural and leadership coaching, I understand his life through a different lens. I see now that my father yearned to belong at work. He wanted to be more than just a systems specialist. He wanted more than to just clock in and bring home the check. For all the hours he spent at work, he wanted to be part of the community – sharing, talking, engaging – more than the perfunctory, “how was your weekend” pass-by glance. I look back and realize that my father’s work existence must have been quite lonely.