Judy’s Blog

A Point about the Amy Chua Phenomenon…

I think most of us have heard of Amy Chua in the last couple of weeks, made into a phenomenon because of her book on being a Tiger mother and purporting a superior child raising approach that is attributed to an ethnic identify. I must say that I have felt sucked into this “storm” of controversy, feeling very mixed about Amy Chua’s public statements and ownership of the attributes of a Chinese mother.

Awakening to Our Greatness: In Memoriam

As a child of Chinese immigrants, I know (as do others like me know), that we have been taught to repay our parents’ sacrifices with our filial piety, respect and societal success. I would say my father and mother would place “living our life purpose” at the top of the list (ok, maybe after filial piety). It may not be characteristic of the Chinese family. But then again, neither my father or mother followed the path of least resistance.

Sell Yourself into the Right Job: Know your Potential Employer Like a "Life Partner"

You can sell effectively to the extent you really understand the wants and needs of a sought-after employer, as if it were a “potential life partner”. It’s like the early stage of a romance. Think about how much research you do on a person (talking to others, reading that person, etc) so you can “show up” in an appealing way. The job search “match game” is not that different.

Impatience with Waiting

As I’ve gathered with my friends, I have come to a place of impatience. Impatience with how so many of us, myself included, have been waiting to live as full a life as possible. It may be the condition of humans. But I do find this affliction more prevalent with women and oddly, with highly gifted women. It seems our success in working incredibly hard to meet the surprising approval of our external world is the very thing that has kept us waiting…and waiting…before we dare to truly breathe our life.