Happy New Year! There is something magical about the beginning of every year, when we know we can start anew, create a vision for an ideal year and commit to making our goals into reality. The core of that driving belief that we can create a new palette for the year is optimism which is inspired by our heart that always seeks to love and be fulfilled. It is through this heart-filled optimism that we find our courage and faith to dream and take steps in our daily life to begin to make our dream a reality.
Believing we can live our heart’s desire can be so challenging in our current economic situation. If we watch the news everyday, we may come to believe that there will not be enough and cause us to hoard, in all aspects of life, which stems from a belief in lack. A belief of lack and acting in such a way is a choice. Because every moment that we’re alive, we have a choice about how we see our world and our life. I do not speak of impractical dreaming and removing us from the real world. I speak of being solidly in this world and still knowing that we have a choice. Once we know we have choice, a whole new world of opportunities and possibilities open up for us.
For example, if one of the parents in a family is laid-off, yes life has changed and an important choice is to understand the immediate implications of a reduced income. It is expected that worry and fear are present. As the situation settles, these parents have the choice to find aspects of their life for which they are grateful — their health, their children’s presence, more time together. When I speak of this of this, I do not mean to minimize the severity of the situation, but to offer choice. That while they are dealing with a real change, they have choice about believing there is still good, that a new opportunity will arise. When that choice is made, a truly different path opens up than if they believed life is bleak and limited. What we think becomes real.
In these times of economic distress, I hope you will find space in your life that offers love, optimism and calm. Choose to be with people who are loving and optimistic. Surround yourself with people who buoy your best. From that space, you have the ingredients to develop a vision that truly meets your heart’s desire and thus, opens a path towards greater fulfillment.
Because of the reality of our challenges in these days and knowing how the media has raised our fear level, I want to create a space for us to dream. Thus on January 31st, I am hosting an interactive talk called “Daring to Dream: Personal Leadership in Turbulent Times”. I encourage you to learn more about this event if you are in the midst of creating a new vision for this year and seeking a space of allowing, support and encouragement.
I wish you a fulfilling 2009, full of magic and possibilities!